NameBench for Windows 10 (32/64 bit)

NameBench for Windows 10 - An easy-to-use program that will help improve the quality of web surfing by increasing the speed of the Internet. Able to independently find the fastest DNS server. Automatically connects to them, providing a tangible increase in speed.
Installing this application is not required, the user simply run the executable file and press a button on the main screen. This action starts a search for available servers, and then automatically connects to the best. Upon completion of the process, a report is compiled that can be viewed, printed, exported to HTML. You can free download NameBench official latest version for Windows 10 in English.
Technical information NameBench
DOWNLOAD FREE- Software License: FreeWare
- Languages: English (en)
- Publisher Software: Google, Inc.
- Gadgets: Desktop PC, Ultrabook, Laptop (Acer,Lenovo, Samsung, MSI, Toshiba, ASUS, DELL, HP)
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro / Enterprise / Education / Home Edition / version 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903 (32/64 bit), x86
- NameBench new full version 2025

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